In June 2009 I was witness to the best, cut- you -off at the knees exit line.
My son, Nick had an incredibly busy weekend, just before our "family vacation" to Daytona. The weekend before we were Florida-bound he spent the night (Fri) at a friends house where they played "Hide-And- Seek-In -The-Dark" outside. The next morning (Sat) he was dropped off at his Grandparents house to sleep over there.
Phone call from Mom: "Hey sweetie, I think Nick must have gotten into some poison Ivy last night. I've given him Benedryl and he wore a frozen beauty mask to sleep in, BUT....it's bad.
ME: "What?! How bad??" (Now what you need to know at this point is that Nick, like my Dad, is HIGHLY sensitive to Poison Ivy)
Mom: "Bad. His face is all swollen and he can't open his eyes."
I picked him up and seriously, It looked like he had stood on his face in a patch of Poison Ivy. My son looked like Shrek with his eyes closed (and red, not green). Even his ears were eclipsed by the swelling. Not to mention the rest of his body was covered in rash...but it was the face that was so shocking.
Off to our new family practice where all the office aides and nurses came out to look at my shrek-son while we waited our turn. After steroid shots, creams and an antihistimine the doctor advised me as to what to do during our vacation, for Nicks recuperation. "Reschedule your vacation." she said. "Wait, we just can't do that", I started.... "GOOD LUCK, GOD BLESS, AND STAY IN THE CONDO." she said to MY SON as she whisked out of the room.
wow. The greatest parting shot ever...."Good luck, God bless, Stay in the Condo"
So, if anyone's wondering..I had him soak in Aveeno Oatmeal Bath twice a day and slather himself up in Aveeno body oil after baths. Between that and his steroids, antihistimines and creme, his rash and swelling cleared up in about 4 days. And we did not stay in the condo.
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